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We try to recognize significant achievements by COMarathis in the community. If you know of such a talented COMarathi, please let us know.

We all are aware of Bruhan Maharashtra Mandal (BMM) of North America which is an organization to promote and nurture marathi culture. This year, BMM has come out stronger than ever with its convention in Atlantic City, NJ in mid-August.

On behalf of Colorado Marathi Mandal, we are honored and privileged to announce the notable contributions of the 2022 Bruhan Maharashtra Mandal of North America (BMM) Convention in the category of Science, Technology, Education, Law and Research, Photography, Arts. These participants were selected from several qualified and talented candidates. Colorado Marathi Mandal extends our sincere appreciation and gratitude to Neeti Pawar, Santosh Manjrekar and Swati Deshpande for their valuable contributions.

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Neeti has been declared as a winner, BMM Awards 2022 in the category of Science, Technology, Education, Law and Research. Total 40 nominations were received in 9 categories from all over North America. Selection panel consisted of three independent and distinguished judges from different states. A short video about Neeti will be broadcasted during the BMM 2022 Convention. Heartiest congratulations and best luck for future endeavors!



Swati is an aspiring artist and a nature photographer. She and her husband Sanjay are avid travelers, and she gets her inspiration from their extensive travel experiences. Swati’s paintings "Unsuspecting" in medium oil pastels and photograph "Glow of Lava at Dawn" have been selected for Juried Art and Photography Exhibition and Competition at BMM 2022 Convention, Atlantic City, NJ. Congratulations and good luck!


Follow @peace_of_art on Instagram to check out her art

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Santosh is a wildlife photographer. He loves to travel and has been to 46 countries. He is also a general aviation pilot. Three of his photographs have been selected for the Juried Art and Photography Exhibition and Competition at BMM 2022 Convention, Atlantic City, NJ. Over 3000 people will be attending the convention from North America and Canada. Way to go Santosh!


Check out Santosh’s Photography @essemmphoto

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Dr Manisha Bhide was a leader of HoIistic Wellness Forum at BMM. She was also a distinguished speaker at the Health and Wellness forum, BMM where people could explore the time-tested, Holistic Health & Wellness practices with her expert guidance.

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  • Evam Tilaye, son of Rasika and Abhishek Tilaye has been admitted to American Mensa and Davidson Young Scholars.

  • July 3, 2020 - Policy Prescription in Response to Economic Slowdown Explained by Prof Dr Kishore Kulkarni from USA.For more details please click here.

  • Feb 20, 2020 - Our Mandal members Smitha and Ramki Thurimella's son Kumar : Kumar Thurimella, a second-year medical student at the CU School of Medicine, has been awarded a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to study at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Each year, about 5,500 applicants worldwide vie for the prestigious scholarship that is awarded to 80 applicants. This year, 25 U.S. citizens were among the recipients. Kumar will enroll in the University of Cambridge’s PhD program in biotechnology, which will take three years, and then he plans to return to CU to complete his medical degree. Kumar earned a bachelor’s degree from CU Boulder in 2013 and spent three years as a software engineer at Uber. After Uber, he studied computational biology at Cambridge, earning a master’s degree. Congratulations to Kumar on the remarkable achievement of earning this scholarship. He has been an excellent student with a talent for mathematics and medicine. At Cambridge, he will be working alongside one of the world’s leading experts in building advanced bioelectronic systems to model gut systems. He aims to help build a statistics model of the chemical signaling between the microbiome and human cells. We look forward to hearing about Kumar’s continuing impressive contributions.

  • Nov 8, 2018 We are proud to share that Dr. Kishore G Kulkarni has been selected for 2019 Federation of Business Disciplines(FBD) Outstanding Educator Award!!! The selection was based on his long-standing valuable contributions to the Southwestern Society of Economists under the FBD and his excellent academic achievements

  • Rohan Nipunge - Rohan and his team are involved in school club DECA project 'Oasis mental health'. Recently they received $10,000 grant from the Social Incubator Fight Back Foundation's 'Shark Tank' style completion! Check out their Youtube video here Their school management and Douglas County School district appreciated kids contribution and working with them to make the initiative into reality. Colorado media took it seriously and provided much needed exposure for the cause.

  • Mrs Pallavi Rahul Mane - Selected for final round of State level poetry competition in Mumbai, Maharashtra - 2018, Received Sahitya Manch Sanman Mumbai - 2013, Mrs.Navi Mumbai Maharashtra, 2 nd runner up! - 2012

  • March 25th, 2016 - Sneha Muthe-CoMarathi Youth Committee President, daughter of Sonali and Khagendra Muthe recently published her article in Denver Post Online. For Details Batman Review and Book Review.

  • March 19, 2016 - Ketki Muley and Shreeshail Aalgundagi are the proud winners of Denver Masala Antakshari. Details click here

  • Eashan Tilaye, son of Rasika and Abhishek Tilaye has been admitted to American Mensa and Davidson Young Scholars.

  • Nov 14, 2014 - Leena Kulkarni, daughter of Distinguished Professor Dr. Kishore and Jayashree Kulkarni was awarded "Women of Jefferson County" Please view the details here.

  • Nov 2, 2014 - Rucha Kale, daughter of Abhay and Arti Kale, finished her 1st New York Marathon on Nov. 2nd. Please view the pictures with Last Name= Kale Event Name = TCS New York City Marathon 2014 here.

  • July 30th 2013 - Distinguished Professor Dr. Kishore Kulkarni on FOX 31 news Please view the video here.

  • July 2013 - Dr. Kishore Kulkarni's recently published column in "Great Indian Dream magazine of India". Click here

  • Nov 17, 2011 - BMM Newsletter - Colorado Special .

  • Jan 14, 2011 - Anita Khedkar on the "Tom Martino Show" (FOX 31), featuring the Abacus program Please view the video here click here.

  • Jan 5, 2011 - Music Concert by Vinata Gangolli. For more details please click here.

  • Dec 1, 2010 - Six Sigma Seminar by Dr. Arvind Salvekar. For more details please click here.

  • Sep 30, 2010 - Akashbharari by Dr. Kishore Kulkarni. For more details please click here.

  • Jun 25, 2010 - Distinguished Service award for Extraordinary Service to Dr. Kishore Kulkarni. For more details please click here.

  • Apr 10, 2010 - Madhura Gokhale, Sanjay Shah and Sudhir Deshpande presented "Ghar Doghanche" at Chicago and won third prize for the act and Madhura won best actress prize. For pictures please click here

  • Dec 15, 2009 - Prof. Kishore G. Kulkarni delivered the Third Bisalaiah Endowment Lecture at the Department of Economics of University of Mysore on December 15, 2009. Click on article 1 and article 2 to read more.

  • Feb 10, 2009 - Dr. Kishore Kulkarni was on radio show "Morning with Keith and Gail"  to talk about the current economic situation and the stimulus package. Click here for the audio clip of this interview.

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